Thank you so much for writing this! As a self-taught composer, the only way I can build my craft and write music is to have the orientation you describe here. I have to be curious about why something works and ruthless when it doesn't; there's no backstop of "well that is the proper way to have written that passage" or "this smart person told me this is what is popular among the hottest folks at a conservatory" that is convincing or comforting to me. So please do write more about that third bullet point! ("Anyone who the Historians™ have deemed to be an Excellent Musician™ is certainly that, and their genius is beyond your comprehension and can only be understood if you pay the Musical Priestly Class™ enough money and kiss enough butts. (You can’t figure things out for yourself. You need us to explain them to you)") I try to refute this bullet every day by not substituting the judgement of critics/musicologists/theorists/fanboys for what I think is good and great—and then digging into those things to figure out what it is I like about them. But it can be SO hard and it's very tempting for me to think I just need an eminent teacher or composer to make me see the light of day (fwiw I do think I need a composition teacher to help me with my craft, but not to convince me of the worth/quality of music I don't care for).

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I'm glad you liked it so much! And your way of judging music is exactly correct. Good to know writing something like that would be worthwhile, then! I'll make writing that a priority.

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